

Move oneself


The urge to move to a new territory and experience different things isn't necessarily about your inherent interest in them. Sure, the East, West, North, or South from where you stand are interesting, but in the end, it probably doesn't matter. What's most important is the degree to which you feel you're not living in autopilot mode. When you live your life in such a predictable way, you're on autopilot - and you may feel empty. You forget that you are the driver of this vehicle. By placing yourself in a different context, you convince yourself that the things you repeat every day are not all that you're capable of doing or feeling.

On one hand, you gain a sense of control, feeling like you're sitting in the driver's seat of your life. It can be a little rusty sometimes, with a bumpy drive, awkward situations, or surprising realisations. Suddenly, you see the real impact of your choices on an hourly basis. There's a conscious justification for the time you spend.

On the other hand, you let go of control at the same time, precisely because you're not an expert in this context. You become more observant of the events unfolding in front of you. You may be at the mercy of 'the others' - the people, the system, whole nature. You are surprised, and you somewhat accept your position in the world - that you're a tiny creature standing on the shoulders of all things before you.

And then, after all that effort and moving, in some cases, you might realise moving itself wasn’t quite the panacea you believed it to be. Now at this point, you really think about what’s at the core. What do you see without all the distractions?